Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapeutic treatment that helps people learn how to identify and change unhelpful thought patterns that have a negative impact on their behaviour and emotions. Cognitive behavioural therapy focuses on changing the automatic negative thoughts that can contribute to and worsen emotional difficulties, depression, and anxiety. The spontaneous negative thoughts people experience can often have quite a detrimental influence on their moods. CBT helps people identify their thoughts, challenge them, and ultimately replace these unhelpful and destructive thoughts with more objective, realistic thoughts.
Exposure and Response Prevention
Exposure and Response Prevention is another type of Cognitive Behavioural psychotherapy that helps individuals who are struggling with obsessive thoughts and rituals. Exposure and Response Prevention is a type of CBT that gradually helps people to reduce the anxiety behind their obsessions and compulsions. One way in which this is thought to happen is through a process called habituation, whereby people become less physiologically aroused by triggering stimuli or obsessions after being repeatedly and safely exposed to them. Over time, the distressing stimuli, thoughts, and feelings that prompt compulsions become more bearable than anticipated and no longer lead to feared outcomes. With time, individuals receiving this treatment come to recognize that they are capable of coping with triggers without resorting to compulsive rituals.
Cognitive Processing Therapy
Cognitive Processing Therapy is a type of CBT. Trauma can change the way people think about themselves and the world. Following traumatic events, people may come to believe they are to blame for what happened or they may start to see the world as a dangerous place. These thoughts keep people stuck in post-traumatic stress and stop them from living life fully. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) helps people assess whether there are more helpful ways to think about their trauma, and provides individuals with tools to decide whether or not it makes sense to take a new perspective.
Therapeutic Modalities